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Baby Ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 8

132 heartbeats per minute
3 potential names added to list
2 potential names removed from list
2 cravings for pasta
1 nap for mommy
14 naps for big brother
1 trip to the doctor
1 ultrasound to see peanut

Mama got to see you for the first time today! We found out that you are not a twin (bummer, but also fantastic), and that we will definitely get to see your gorgeous face in April 2012. Our doctor said that you can come out any way you like, as long as you take it easy on Mama's blood pressure. Mama doesn't have to have a special diet (yet), so we can eat all the hot dogs and Chinese food that Daddy will bring us. We are so glad to see you, Peanut!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 5

65 glasses of water
63 hours of sleep
12,000 trips to the bathroom
2 days since we broke the news
1 day of wicked nausea
7 prenatal vitamins consumed
16 days until ultrasound
2 pregnancy books unearthed
4 cravings
2 positive pregnancy tests
1 due date calculated
4 grandparents, 3 aunts & uncles, 1 big brother told
0 cups of coffee

You're on your way, peanut! Your momma and daddy and big brother Caden are so excited to meet you, but you've just started baking, so we'll wait a little longer. Grandma was so excited to hear you were coming that she couldn't wait to tell all her friends.

This week you are just the size of an appleseed, but you are making mommy feel BIG TIME preggo! Grandma and Auntie Jess would like you to please be a girl, but as long as you are here to smooch, they will love you no matter what. Momma and Daddy started making a list of names, and I'm sure we'll have a lot to choose from once we get to see your sweet face. We are so glad you're here. You are much loved.